• DCP Midstream - Enabling Business Transformation with the PI System: The DCP 2.0 Journey(1)

    Grand Ballroom: A foundation of DCP’s digital transformation is having rapid, near real time, accurate, meaningful and complete data with context. An important part of this capability is provided by a company-wide PI System that was deployed in 2017. Change ...
    Year: 2019

    Engineering Roadmap(4)

    Grand Ballroom: In this keynote, our Development and Product leadership will update OSIsoft’s Product strategy and highlight key product topics that will be covered throughout PI World. Come learn about how the PI System supports critical operations and drives data ...
    Year: 2019

    Welcome to PI World San Francisco 2019

    Grand Ballroom: Opening Remarks ...
    Year: 2019

    Welcome from our CEO & Founder Pat Kennedy

    Grand Ballroom: Message from OSIsoft CEO & Founder Dr. J. Patrick Kennedy ...
    Year: 2019

    Finding ROI in Digital Transformation (Navigant)

    Digital Transformation is here. The question now is how can an organization avoid the pitfalls and achieve success. Neil Strother, Senior Analyst at Navigant Research, and Michael Kanellos, IoT analyst at OSIsoft, interviewed a range of OSIsoft customers last year ...
    Year: 2019