• Optimización de Pozos Productivos

    Se trata de un sistema en tiempo real, que valiéndose de la información historizada de la telemetría de un pozo productor, realiza análisis sobre estos datos históricos para identificar y/o predecir potenciales eventos no deseables en cada pozo, para ser expuestos en un tablero de control por excepciones.
    Year: 2019

    Uso del PI System en el Área Distribución de UTE

    Uso del PI System en el Área Distribución de UTE ...
    Year: 2019

    myOSIsoft & OSIsoft Customer Portal Best Practices and Frequently Asked Questions in Japanese

    In this webinar you will (ウェビナー内容のご案内): - Get the latest best practices on OSIsoft Customer Portal - Answer the most Frequently Asked Questions about the portal - Walk-through OSIsoft Customer Portal ...
    Year: 2019

    Beyond Digital Transformation: What AI Means to the Steel Industry

    Leaders in the steel industry have recently increased their investment in automation and technological innovation to embrace new opportunities for productivity improvements, energy savings and asset reliability. Some organizations are also starting to adopt digital transformation strategies which include artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize how these companies operate. And with the growing abundance of real-time operational data and events being collected, this opens the door for developing major improvements across the entire organization. So what are the necessary steps to collect your data and leverage an AI solution to enhance your business? Join us for this exciting webinar to learn: • How to optimize fully automated operations with a data infrastructure for critical operations • How people can be empowered with real-time operational data for machine learning and AI • How digital solutions for these assets can result in 11-15% efficiency improvements for steel enterprises. • The steps needed to ignite your journey towards A.I.
    Year: 2019

    The Growing Ecosystem for OT Security

    The world of cybersecurity has become an arms race, and nearly every industrial professional is on a mission to protect their business environment from the latest ferocious digital attack. However, not all digital threats are created equal, and it's important to know the difference between cybersecurity, OT security, and what you need to protect each environment. Join OSIsoft for this webinar, where we will interview the leading disruptors in digital security for operational technology. Our panelists will describe the challenges facing utilities, manufacturers and OT departments in general when it comes to cybersecurity and what it takes to protect data infrastructure for critical operations at the plant and enterprise level.
    Year: 2019