• CFB Simulation Success Story at NRG Energy

    Our presentation will be on the development and updating of our simulator and how we use it for training Operators, E and I Technicians and testing equipment. The Seward plant uses CFB technology to burn low-grade refuse from coalmines, abundant ...
    Year: 2022

    DGA - Duval's Triangle as Custom Symbol in PI Vision at Tenaga Nasional Berhad

    Power transformers are very key and High Value assets in T&D. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is considered the best method for determining a transformer’s overall condition and is now a universal practice. Advantages of DGA include: - Advanced warning of ...
    Year: 2022

    Past, Present and Future of Power Grid – CAISO Moving to Community Data Sharing

    Since 1998, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) has used the PI System to reliably manage one of the world’s largest power grids and transparently operate its wholesale energy market. With climate change challenges and increasing renewable energy and distributed ...
    Year: 2022

    Archiving Energy Utility Transmission Synchrophasor Data in the PI System with custom AF at PG&E

    PG&E has had a comprehensive Phasor Measurement Unit deployment since 2010. The Synchrophasor data being collected was only available on the operations network. This meant that only a few people were able to access the data and the tool set ...
    Year: 2022

    Fire Safety Outage Management at Chelan County using Risk Mitigation and Forecast Alerts

    Wildfires are an increasing risk to transmission and distribution utilities in the American West and around the world. At Chelan County Public Utility District in Washington State, our Fire Safety Outage Management group leverages available fire data and expert analysis ...
    Year: 2022