• When Turbines Go Bump in the Night - Shedding Light on Lost Revenue [EDF Renewables]

    Operating 3000 wind turbines across North America, EDF Renewables faces the constant challenge of keeping their assets running. While site maintenance crew prefer to repair during daytime, turbines fail at any hour. If they fail overnight, and crew isn’t called ...
    Year: 2020

    MPLX Gathering & Processing: Dark Compressor Data with OMF & Monico Data Router [Marathon Petroleum]

    This presentation will summarize MPLX Gathering and Processing (G&P)'s journey with Monico’s mCoreSDR and OSIsoft Message Format (OMF) to unlock dark data on over 150 remote compressors to enable advanced analytics and condition-based maintenance (CBM).
    Year: 2020

    Seamless Infrastructure

    Introduce Seamless Infrastructure Technology For the past 40 years OSIsoft has built the PI System for the people of critical operations. As the demand for operational data has grown, we are natively expanding the data sets to new operational users and ...
    Year: 2020

    PI World - Welcome

    Our MC welcomes attendees to PI World Online 2020. Please join us to hear our welcome message from OSIsoft CEO & Founder Dr. J. Patrick Kennedy and OSIsoft President Michael Siemer.
    Year: 2020

    Water & Facilities Q&A Session - Digital Transformation & Journey to Intelligence [Riverside & LADWP]

    Riverside Public Utilities - RPU has used OSIsoft's PI System to automate daily water operation reports that previously took staff at least 4 hours a day to create. These reports would not be available until noon, and included yesterdays ...
    Year: 2020