• Welcome & State of the Industry

    A welcome from the Industry Principal, Stephen Reynolds. We’ll review some of the industry challenges and responses we’ve seen across 2020 so far as well as look to where we headed with digital technologies as we move forward.
    Year: 2020

    Live Q and A Panel

    Join our speakers and Industry Principal Stephen Reynolds to discuss topics presented as well as talk to issues the Chemicals Industry sees in realizing the potential of real-time data. Audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions of the ...
    Year: 2020

    Analyses for the PI System improve accuracy in process and supply chain management

    PI Asset Framework, powered by Sigmafine analyses and modelling capabilities, enables more accurate and reliable data for process monitoring, thus improving business decisions and supply chain management. Two main applications will be investigated: Constraining raw data by first principle laws ...
    Year: 2020

    PI System Demo for Chemicals Use Cases with Live Q and A

    Join our industry team as they review the application of PI System Event Frames for batch tracking, loss tracking, and other use cases. Solutions: Asset Health and Uptime; KPIs and Reporting; Process Optimization and Quality Improvement. OSIsoft Products: PI Core ...
    Year: 2020

    Enabling Production Engineers with the PI System and Self-Service Analytics

    Company Xs digitalization program is focused on improving decision-making by leveraging real-time data. The goal is to create breakthroughs in operational effectiveness and efficiency by generating new insights and challenging old ideas and assumptions. Company Xs digitalization program is focused ...
    Year: 2020