• Smart Interactive Exception Report

    An EXCEL5-based application that reports exceptions from a database of PI tags, PI-PC expressions, and other data. Exceptions are identified by comparing current/minimum/maximum values against limits. The spreadsheet format in combination with PI-PC DataLink enables the report to automatically: adjust limits for changing operating targets, select between alternate operating modes, suppress nuisance exceptions, and regroup similar exceptions based on user-defined criteria. Tables and charts, including related tag information, may be generated for any selected tag or expression directly from the exception report.
    Year: 1996

    Process Information Systems at Mobil

    Mobil makes significant use of PI as part of its Process Information Systems and also pioneered the use of PC-based client tools to access PI data. This presentation reviews Mobil’s process information systems, including its own Window interface, called RTD. The features of RTD, PI-ProcessBook, Oracle RDB development, and other applications are discussed.
    Year: 1996

    Getting Your Money’s Worth from Classic PI

    Coleman will discuss this approach to getting extra mileage out of “Classic PI” by adding new tools to PI with utilities right under your nose.
    Year: 1996

    Troubleshooting with PI in a Paper Mill

    The PI System helps to find problem areas in various paper making processes. Andy has used PI to troubleshoot the paper mill operations in-house and also remotely at customer locations. This paper will also provide an overview of how several levels of mill organization are using PI now and in the future. Repeated Tuesday 9:20 am ...
    Year: 1996

    BPP-I Upgrading Project

    JGC is implementing a project at an Indonesian refinery which integrated PI with Dot Product’s STAR controller and the NOVA optimizer. Mr. Bulos will describe this integration project.
    Year: 1996