• Condition-Based Maintenance Bolsters the Bottom Line in Power Generation one

    Page Title SubTitle General false The power generation industry is undergoing a period of rapid transformation. New issues, such as deregulation, the rapid adoption of renewable energy sources, and a new emphasis on extending facility lifecycles, are forcing electric utility operator ...
    Year: 2015

    Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for Integrating IIoT Sensors with Industrial Data Ecosystems

    Today's Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) encompasses advances in sensor technologies, connectivity, analytics and cloud environments that will expand the impact of data on enterprise performance management. Recent market analysis predicts that lowered sensor cost, energy requirements and ease of connectivity will result in an explosion of industrial sensors and sensor-based data. For example, Cisco's Internet Business Solutions Group predicts that by 2020, 50 billion IIoT devices will be deployed and active.
    Year: 2015

    A Journey from Historian to Infrastructure

    As the volume and sources of asset data constantly expand, there are multiple challenges to creating insights that impact operational performance.
    Year: 2015

    A Data Infrastructure to Transform Operations

    Across all industries, there are assets everywhere, all generating critical time series data. As the volume and sources of asset data constantly expand, there are multiple challenges to creating insights that impact operational performance.
    Year: 2015